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Showing results 330 to 349 of 1427 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-09-29MA TEFL Students' Reflection on a Practicum Course: A Qualitative StudyFarrah, Mohammed
2021Mabo Case in Australia: Conflicting Approaches?Awawda, Osayd
2023-01-01Managing with intelligent Dashboards, A case study of EMR using Open Source toolsSulaibe, Amal
2018-04Manifest content of life story of elderly uprooted and diaspora Palestinian refugeeskatalo, kamel; katalo, kamel; katalo, kamel
2009-03Manifest Content of the Adolescent and University Students' Dreams in Secondary and University Stageskatalo, kamel (kamil)
2016-03Manifest Content to Humans' Relations between Students and Faculty Staff Members at the Universitykatalo, kamel
2009The market failures of Palestinian natural resourcesAburajab Tamimi, Talat
2015Measurement of 222Rn concentration levels in drinking water and the associated health effects in the Southern part of West bank–PalestineThabayneh, Khalil
2015Measurement of activity concentration levels of radionuclides in soil samples collected from Bethlehem Province, West Bank, PalestineThabayneh, Khalil
2021-01-01Measurement of Natural Radioactive Isotopes Concentration in Soil Samples in the Northern Part of West Bank-PalestineShawamreh, Rounz Jamal
2013Measurement of Natural Radioactivity and Radon Exhalation rate in Granite samples Used in Palestinian BuildingsThabayneh, Khalil
2023-01-01Measurement of Radioactive Contamination of Plant Fertilizers Used in PalestineHreaz, Heba Musbah
2022-01-01Measurement of Radon Exhalation Rate and Radium Activity in different types of Foodstuff samples used in PalestineDowek, Samar Issa
2016-03Mental Health among Mothers of Children With Special needs and Its Relationship to some Variableskatalo, kamel
2016-06Mental Health of 1948 Students at The Intensive Academic Program at Hebron Universitykatalo, kamel
2007-05-08Misestimating of environmental values can impair economic growthAburajab Tamimi, Talat
2014-03Mobile Agent Systems, Recent Security Threats and Counter MeasuresAmro, Belal
2016Modern Legal Education in Palestine: The Clinical Programs of Hebron UniversityQafisheh, Mutaz
2017-01-01Modified Adomian Decomposition Method For Differential EquationsTomaizeh, Hamzah