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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1424  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-01-3114 Selectable Marker Genes: Types and InteractionsAbdeen, Ashraf
2011-10-152 Online Communication and Enhancing Language Skills, motivation and cultural understandingFarrah, Mohammed
2016The 2016 Palestinian Juvenile Protection Law: A Quest for Further ReformQafisheh, Mutaz
2008222Rn Concentration Level measurements and Exhalation Rates in Different Types of Building Materials Used in Palestinian BuildingsDabayneh, Khalil
2012-01-154 The impact of peer feedback on improving the writing skills among hebron university studentsFarrah, Mohammed
2020-01-01Abdulfatah Al-Sisi's Ideology and Identity: Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected SpeechesJamjoum, Othman Abdalgani
2013The Ability of the Palestinian Legal System to Secure Adequate Standards of Living: Reform or Failed State DutyQafisheh, Mutaz
2021-12-30abo BLOOD GROUPS AND covid-19M Shaheen, M Al Junaidi
2021-01-01Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Linear Hyperbolic SystemAl Halahla, Huda
2017-12-20The activation of autophagy protects neurons and astrocytes against bilirubin-induced cytotoxicityQaisiya, Mohammed
2021-01-01Adaptation of Agricultural Practices Toward Mitigating Drought Effects on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in PalestineAbu-Rabada, Eyas Mahmoud
2017-01-01Adomian Decomposition Method Numerical Implementation and Physical ApplicationsSarahna, Sa'dia
2021-12-01The adoption level of electronic medical records in Hebron hospitals based on the electronic medical record adoption model (EMRAM)Amro, Belal; Najjar, Arwa; Macido, Mario
2020-01-01Adsorptive Removal of chromium Metal lons Using Pristine Graphene Oxide NanoparticlesAl-Khdour, Zhoor
2010-08The Age Factor in EFL Learning: Insights from the PalestinianDwaik, Raghad
2021The Alpha Particles Doses Received by Students and Staff in Twenty Schools in the North of Hebron Region - Palestinemashal, Lilia; Thabayneh, khalel
2021The Alpha particles doses received by students and staff in twenty schools in the north of Hebron region – PalestineThabayneh, K. M.; Mashal, L. A.; Abu-Samreh, M. M.
2023-01-01Analysis of Implicatures in Al-Tayeb Saleh’s Season of Migration to the North A Pragmatic StudyHoshia, Israa
2024-01-01Analysis of Intertextuality in Selected Speeches by Ismael Haniya During Gaza War in 2023-2024Abu Sakour, Maryam
2022-01-01Analysis of Speech Acts in Palestinian Wedding InvitationsAl Juneidi, Ola Ossman