This study presents the performance of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology
under an interference dominated scenario and realistic channel model. The study
also proposes a modified version of Time Hopping (TH) M-Ary Pulse Position
Modulation (PPM) for UWB to save communication resources and improve
quality of service (QoS). Compared with the conventional TH M-Ary PPM
technique, the proposed Compressed M-Ary PPM (CTH M-Ary PPM) technique
is to adopt fixed symbol duration for all M PPM modulation levels, which
results in reducing the number of TH chips , improving the SINR at the pulse
level and reducing the overall time required to complete the transmission of the
same amount of data from any user. As a consequence, lowering the overall
probability of users’ collisions, and so, reducing the chance of interference to
occur from the beginning on the pulse level. Detailed channel model and Signal-to-Interference-pulse-Noise-Ratio (SINR) derivations are presented. The
designed Simulation results confirm that the new proposed scheme enhances transmission quality in terms of Symbol Error Probability (SEP) as a comparison
with the conventional TH M-Ary PPM technique.