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Showing results 524 to 543 of 1422 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-01-01The Use of Dialect in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching GodTomazeh, Mohamad Tayseer
2015-01-01The Use of English Conditional Sentences in Major Barbara, The Death of a Salesman and The Glass MenagerieAl-Sharif, Safa'
2021-01-01The Use of Role Play in the English Foreign Language Classroom An Applied Research on Eleventh Grade Students at Dar Al Salam Secondary School for GirlsAbu Esba, Tasnim
2021-12-16User Centric Android Application Permission ManagerAmro, Belal; zaid, abu znaid
2016-04Using Blended Learning to Enhance Student Learning in American Literature CoursesDwaik, Raghad
2015-07-15Using Cartoon in Language Classroom from A Constructivist Point of ViewAbuzahra, Nimer; Farrah, Mohammed; Zalloum, Sarah
2021-03-07Using drama in the Palestinian EFL classroom: teachers’ attitudes, advantages, problems, and teaching techniques.Farrah, Mohammed; Halahla, Balsam; Sider, Shahd
2020-01-01Using English in Shop Signs in Palestine A Sociolinguistic StudyBadran, Huda Mahmoud
2018-01-01Using Films in TEFL Classes at the Palestinian UniversitiesTahboub, Doa'a
2023-01-01Using Innovative Marketing Mix for Enhancement of Market Shares of Dairy Industry in Hebron Governorate, PalestineJabari, Dunya
2008-07-15Using Microformats to Personalize Web ExperienceMrissa, Michael; Al-Jabari, Mohanad; Thiran, Philippe
2018-05-20Using Mobile Phone Applications in Teaching and Learning ProcessFarrah, Mohammed; Abu-Dawood, Ala'
2014Using Molecular and Biological Tools for Assessment of TYLCV Resistant Tomato Cultivars Commercially Grown in Southern PalestineAmro, Sahar; Alkowni, Raed; Hamdan, Abdul-Jalil
2018-11-30Using Novels in the Language Classroom at Hebron UniversitySiaj, Rasha; Farrah, Mohammed
2021-08-15Using reflective journals to promote authentic learning in an English Writing CourseFarrah, Mohammed; Abu Minshar, Manal
2015-06-30Using short stories in the EFL classroomAbuzahra, Nimer; Farrah, Mohammed
2024-01-01Using Smart Board in The Primary Classroom: AnApplied StudyAtia, Alaa Jameel
2015-01-01Using Technology in Teaching Literary Courses: Using Blended Learning to Teach American Literature CourseJwailes, Abdulmu'ty Abdulwaheed
2021-07-28Utilization of idle time slot in spectrum sensing under noise uncertaintyTumar, Iyad; Arar, Adnan; El-Saleh, Ayman
2016-01-01Vocabulary Building through Reading Short StoriesAl-Khateeb, Ghosoon Suliaman