A 2-year experiment was conducted to address the two hydrological process (runoff and sedimentation) and soil
characteristics for three sites that represent different environmental conditions at the southern part of West Bank.
From each study sites 3 representative soil samples were collected from 10 cm depth, chemical and physical
properties were conducted. In addition, runoff and sedimentation also collected for each study sites. Soil of these
sites shows a different variation in their physical and chemical properties. Results showed that higher OM, EC
and clay content were in Sorif site than Dura and BaniNoem. Runoff and sedimentation amounts varied between
the sites and during the rain events. Recorded runoff and sedimentation yield were 13.8, 26.6 l/m2 and 46.7, 23.7
g/m2 in Sorif site, 7.8, 19.6 l/m2 and 23.7, 10.5 g/m2 in Dura, and 13.5, 6.1 l/m2 and 8.4, 14.5 g/m2 in
BaniNoem during 2004 and 2005, respectively. In addition, higher runoff coefficient was recorded in BaniNoem
site compared to Sorif and Dura sites in study years. These values may be considered very low and mainly
affected and controlled by the interaction of different factors that includes the rainfall characteristics, vegetation
cover type and percentage, and soil conditions. Therefore, under such conditions these factors should be taken
into consideration for land management and soil conservation.