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  • Amro, Belal; Levi, Albert; Saygin, Yucel (2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Social Computing, 2011-10)
    In general service providing systems, user authentication is required for different purposes such as billing, restricting unauthorized access, etc. A good solution is to use pseudonyms as temporary identities. On the other ...
  • Unknown author (IEEE, 2011)
    In general service providing systems, user authentication is required for different purposes such as billing, restricting unauthorized access, etc. A good solution is to use pseudonyms as temporary identities. On the ...
  • Amro, Belal; Al-Jabari, Mohanad; Jabareen, Hussein; Khader, Yousef; Taweel, Adel (15th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2018, 2018-10)
    Health informatics has been reported to be a vital sector for the last decade. Many efforts have been implemented to better utilize advancements in health informatics in real life. Educational institutions have worked hard ...
  • Thabayneh, Khalil; Mashal, Lilia; Arar, Adnan; Buss, Fida (Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2017)
    samples used in Palestine and Jordan and then calculates the doses resulting from those samples for smoker peoples. To investigate whether the tobacco itself is a potential source of radon, the concentrations were measured ...
  • Al-Jabari, Mohanad; Amro, Belal M.; Jabareen, Hussein M.; Khader, Yousef S.; Taweel, Adel (IEEE, 2018-09-28)
    The notion of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and healthcare Information Technologies (HITs) have recently been adopted by many countries. EHRs facilitate sharing of patients' data among healthcare providers, improve ...
  • Al-Jabari, Mohanad; Amro, Belal; Jabareen, Hussein; Khadir, Yousef; Taweel, Adel (15th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2018, 2018-10)
    The notion of Electronic Health Record (EHR) and healthcare Information Technologies (HITs) related to the EHR have recently adopted by many countries. EHR facilitates sharing of patients’ data among healthcare providers, ...
  • Amro, Amro; Saygin, Yucel; Levi, Albert (IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2013-12-01)
    Collaborative traffic-monitoring (CTM) systems exploit the location information continuously collected from vehicles. Location data are very sensitive information that made privacy a major obstacle for the widespread usage ...
  • Aburajab Tamimi, Talat (Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection in the Sustainable Development - Palestine Polytechnic University, 2007-05-08)
    One of the reasons why environment is seldom considered in policy appraisal stems from the fact that environmental goods and services are not marketed and therefore do not have prices that can be comparable with development ...
  • Amro, Belal; Saygin, Yucel; Levi, Albert (SPRINGL '10 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS Pages 55-59, 2010-11)
    Collaborative Traffic Monitoring (CTM) systems exploit the location information continuously collected from cars. Users collaborate by providing their location information to have a global picture of the current traffic ...
  • Amro, Belal; Saygin, Yucel; Levi, Albert (SPRINGL '11 Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS Pages 1-8, 2011-11)
    Collaborative Traffic Monitoring (CTM) systems exploit the location information continuously collected from vehicles. Users collaborate by providing their location information to have a global picture of the current traffic ...
  • Abu-Taha, Mohammad; Buss, Fida; Musameh, Sharif (material science, 2013)
    The present work examines the possibility to use homemade miniature infrared (IR) sources in spectroscopic applications. Simple useful IR applications were studied using IRsources made from in-expensive available materials. ...
  • Mrissa, Michael; Al-Jabari, Mohanad; Thiran, Philippe (Vydavateľstvo STU Vazovova 5, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2008-07-15)
    As envisioned by its creator, the WorldWideWeb gathers billions of users from different communities all over the world. A recent evolution of the Web has been witnessed with microformats, which allow authors to semantically ...
  • Qafisheh, Mutaz (The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, Ramallah, Palestine, 2012)
    United Nations General Assembly Resolution 67/19 of 29 November 2012, which overwhelmingly voted for the admission of Palestine as an observer State (138 States in favor vs. 9 States), might be similar to the hundreds of ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (2012)
    الصحابي عند المحدثين: من لقي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مؤمنا به ومات على ذلك. واشترط جمهور الأصوليين طول الصحبة. اختلف العلماء في حجية قول الصحابي على غيره إذا لم ينتشر وكان يدرك بالرأي، ومخالفا للقياس. والراجح حجية ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (2011)
    ملخص بحث عنوانه: " الاقتصاد الإسلامي في مواجهة الأزمات الاقتصادية العالمية "، أقدمه للكنجرس العالمية للنظم الإسلامية - إتحاد الجامعات الماليزية. أهداف البحث أتطلع في هذا البحث إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية: 1) بيان أن ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (2002)
    فهذا بحث عنوانه: الإعجاز العلمي للقرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف. ضمن محور: القرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف والعلم. مقدم إلى الندوة العلمية التي أقيمت في جامعة القدس بتاريخ 29/7/2002م. بعنوان: الدين والعلم. وقد قسَّمت هذا البحث ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (جامعة الملك سعود, 2016)
    الرحمة في الإسلام قيمة عظيمة، وخلق كريم، لا تختص بباب دون باب، بل هي عامة في كافة مناحي الحياة، كتبها الله على نفسه كما أخبرنا في كتابه {كَتَبَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ الرَّحْمَةَ} ، وبيَّن الله عز وجل أنه أرسل رسوله رحمة ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (2012)
    تتصارع في العالم ثلاثة أنظمة اقتصادية؛ الرأسمالية، والماركسية، والإسلامية. ولكل نظام جذوره التاريخية، ومبادئه الفكرية. بينت في هذا البحث الجذور التاريخية للنظام الاقتصادي الرأسمالي، وأنه قائم على فكرة الحرية، التي كانت ...
  • ترتوري, حسين (2009)
    ملخص بحث عنوانه: " أسس توزيع الثروة في الإسلام" ، أقدمه لمؤتمر الاقتصاد الإسلامي وأعمال البنوك المنعقد في جامعة الخليل. أهمية البحث تظهر أهمية هذا البحث ، في النقاط التالية: 1) توجد أنظمة اقتصادية متصارعة في العالم، ...

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