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الانفعالات النّفسيّة عند النّبي محمد ﷺ وآثارها التّربويّة

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dc.contributor.author عازم, سراج حاتم
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-19T06:49:48Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-19T06:49:48Z
dc.date.issued 2024-01
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.hebron.edu:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1448
dc.description.abstract ملخّص البحث عنوان البحث: الانفعالات النّفسيّة عند النّبي محمد ﷺ وآثارها التّربويّة. إعداد الطّالب: سراج حاتم عازم. إشراف: د. حذيفة هلال بدير. تناول البحث جانباً مهمّاً من حياته ﷺ، ألا وهو: انفعالاته النّفسيّة، وآثارها على ملامحه وتصرّفاته، وتأثّر الصّحابة الكرام بها وحسن إدراكهم لها، واستشفاف القيم والآثار التّربويّة من كلّ ذلك،كماأنّهيُرشدناإلىماكانيُرضيالنّبيﷺويُغضبه،ويُفرحهويُحزنه... وقدتمّذلكمنخلالمنهج: الاستقراءلأحاديثكتابصحيحالبخاريللإمامالبخاري،واختيارالأحاديثالمتعلِّقةبموضوعالبحث،ومنثَمّتحليلهاوتدوينالمعانيالمنتقاةمنها. واشتمل البحث على: مقدّمة، وخمسة فصول: الفصل الأول: الانفعالات النّفسيّة وأهميّة بشريّة النّبي محمد ﷺ واتّزانه ونُضجه الانفعالي الفصل الثاني: انفعال الخوف وانفعال الحياء وآثارهما التّربويّة الفصلالثالث: انفعال الفرح وانفعال الحزنوآثارهماالتّربويّة الفصلالرابع: انفعال الغضب وانفعال الغيرةوآثارهماالتّربويّة الفصلالخامس: انفعال الحب وانفعال البغضوآثارهماالتّربويّة واشتملكذلكعلى: خاتمةمتضمّنةلأهمالنّتائجالتيتوصّلإليهاالباحث،معإرفاقبعضالتّوصياتللباحثينمنبعدي. منهذهالنّتائج: - انفعالاتالحبيبﷺمتزّنةمتوازنة،ليسفيهاشططأوِانحراف،فلايندفعولايتهوّرولايفتر،بلينفعلويتفاعلمعَالمواقفوفْقمايُلائم. - تُفهمردودفعلهﷺمنخلالتعابيروجهه،أوطريقةكلامه،أوحركاتهوسكناته،كاحمراروجهه،أوتكراركلامه. - الصّحابةالكراماهتمّوابأحوالالنّبيﷺوتصرّفاته،ورصدواحركاتهوسكناته،ورَقَبُواانفعالاتهوماترميإليهوكيفتُؤثِّرعليه،وذلكمحبّةلهواقتداءًبه،فكانلانفعالاتهالأثرالكبيرعلىنفوسهموتصرّفاتهم Title: Psychological Emotions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and their Educational Effects Prepared by: Siraj Hatem Azem Supervisor: Dr. Hudhaifa Hilal Badeer The research addresses an important aspect of the Prophet's life (peace be upon him): his psychological emotions, their effects on his features and behaviors, the influence they had on his companions, and the values and educational effects that can be drawn from them. It also guides us to what pleased the Prophet (peace be upon him) and angered him, made him happy and sad. The research methodology: Inductive approach to the hadiths of the book Sahih al-Bukhari by Imam al-Bukhari, selecting hadiths related to the research topic, and then analyzing them and recording the selected meanings. The research includes: Introduction, five chapters: 1. Chapter One: Psychological emotions and the importance of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) humanity, his balance, and his emotional maturity. 2. Chapter Two: The emotion of fear and the emotion of shyness and their educational effects. 3. Chapter Three: The emotion of joy and the emotion of sadness and their educational effects. 4. Chapter Four: The emotion of anger and the emotion of jealousy and their educational effects. 5. Chapter Five: The emotion of love and the emotion of hatred and their educational effects. The research also includes: A conclusion that includes the most important results reached by the researcher, with some recommendations for future researchers. Some of these results: • The emotions of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) are balanced and moderate, without exaggeration or deviation. He does not rush, he does not act rashly, and he does not slack off. Rather, he reacts and interacts with situations in a way that is appropriate. • His reactions can be understood through his facial expressions, the way he speaks, or his movements, such as blushing or repeating his words. • The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) cared about the Prophet's (peace be upon him) condition and behavior, observed his movements and stillness, and watched his emotions and what they aim at and how they affect him. This was out of love for him and imitation of him. So, his emotions had a great impact on their souls and their behavior. en_US
dc.publisher Hebron University en_US
dc.subject الديانات en_US
dc.subject الانفعالات النفسية en_US
dc.subject محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم en_US
dc.title الانفعالات النّفسيّة عند النّبي محمد ﷺ وآثارها التّربويّة en_US
dc.title.alternative Psychological Emotions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and their Educational Effects en_US

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