This study aimed at building Hebron University Quadrilateral Marital Adjustment Scale (HU-QMAS) that consists of four different situations of adjustment (marital nirvana, coexistence, marital silence, and psychological divorce). In addition to that the study investigated the psychometric properties among Palestinian spouses. The scale consisted of two forms (man image and woman image). The researcher followed the descriptive approach and implemented the scale on a random sample of 362 spouses (176 wives, and 186 husbands) from the West Bank, Palestine. Results revealed the existence of strong of internal consistency of the scale, and a significant Congruent Validity with both R-DAS and Psychological Divorce Scale. HU-QMAS Cronbach Alpha and Spearman Brown coefficients were (0.93) & (0.92) respectively. Factor analysis, using Varimax rotation, resulted four factors: these factors are Emotional Attraction, Understanding, Communication, and Social Participating. Finally, the researcher recommended further studies using the HU-QMAS in various Arab environments