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Title: صناعة الله للقادة في القرآن الكريم النبي موسى- عليه السلام- أُنموذجا دراسة تحليليةِ
Other Titles: Allah`s Creation of leaders by the Koran The prophet moses model Analytical study
Authors: ابو عياش, بدر احمد
Keywords: الديانات
علوم القرآن
موسى عليه السلام
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2018
Publisher: Hebron University
Abstract: ملخص الرسالة الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات، وبفضله يكون التوفيق والسداد، وبعد: فهذا ملخص لرسالة (صناعة الله للقادة في القرآن الكريمالنبي موسى- عليه السلام- أُنموذجاًدراسة تحليليةِ). احتوت المقدمة على موضوع البحث وحدوده، وأهدافه، وأسباب اختياره، وأدواته، ومصطلحاته، ومنهجه، والدراسات السابقة، ومنهج البحث وإجراءاته، ومحتواه. لأن الرسالة تتناول كيفية صناعة القائد الرباني في هذا الزمان الذي تحتاج فيه الأمة الإسلامية إلى قائد بمواصفات عالية ومتميزة، فقد تناولت صناعة نبي الله موسى – عليه السلام – قائداً، لأنه يُمثل أُنموذجاً متكاملاً لصناعة القادة في القرآن، لِمَا يتمتع به من صفات قيادية، ليقتدي به كل قائد يريد التميز بين قادة الدنيا، وقد حاولت الوصول إلى مرامي قصة موسى -عليه السلام-، ومفاهيمها القيادية، والأسس التي تتضمن المواصفات القيادية، ومعايير الاختيار، واتخاذ القرار، ووسائل القيادة الناجحة. ولتحقيق هذه الغاية فقد عملت توطئة وأربعة فصول، في التوطئة أوضحتُ مضمون القيادة والقائد،ومفهوم القيادة والقائد في القرآن من حيث استعماله كلمة الحُكْم الدالة على القيادة فيه. وفي الأربعة فصول تناول في الفصل الأول حال بني إسرائيل قُبيل بعثة موسى- عليه السلام- بعد وفاة يوسف - عليه السلام –،ودراسة حال المسلمين اليوم في جميع الجوانب، وفي الفصل الثاني تكلمت عن كيفية صناعة القائد في القرآنمن خلال آيات قصة موسى –عليه السلام-من حيث تولي الله-عز وجل- لشؤون موسى -عليه السلام- من يوم ولادته، إلىشبابه وتمتد على مَرِّ سِنِيِّ حياته اللاحقة، وتحدثت في الفصل الثالث عن المؤهلات والقدرات من فكرية وعقلية التي توفرت لموسى -عليه السلام- في توليه القيادة، من صفات الرأي السديد والعقل المتزن، والفصاحة وقوة البيان، وصفة الفِطنة والذكاء، والتبليغ والقدرة العالية على التأثير في الآخرين، كما تناولت الصفات الخُلُقِية لموسى -عليه السلام- فعليه أن يَتَّصف بالصدق والأمانة والتقوى والورع وسمو الأخلاق، وتناولت معالم الشخصية القيادية والإدارية، منصفات وضع الخطط الاستراتيجية المجزأة إلى خطط قريبة الأمد، والتركيز على العمل الجماعي وبث روح العمل الجماعي في كل المؤَثِّرين في المجموع العام، والحوار مع الآخرين والقدرة على الإقناع، والمشاركة في تنفيذ القرارات، والقدرة العالية على إدارة الأزمات التي تظهر في جميع مراحل العمل، و الحزم في اتخاذ القرارات المصيريةفيالظروف التي تتسم بالضغوطات الكبيرة، والاصطفاء والاختيار للقادة، ولتكليف بما يستطاع، حتى يستطيع المكلفون تنفيذ ما يُطْلب منهم. كما تناولت القدرات النفسية والتربوية للقائد، من صفات الصبر على الطاعات والفضائل، والأعمال الشاقة، والحِلم والرِّفقبالناس وعلو الهمة، والشجاعة،والهيبة في نفوس الناس والثقة بالنفس للقائد، كذلك تناولت القدرات البدنية للقائد مثل صفة القدرة القتالية العالية. وفي الفصل الرابع تكلمت عن دور القائد الرباني في تحقيق ونجاح مهمته من خلال بعض إنجازات موسى -عليه السلام-،مثل تحقيقه هدف تبليغ الدعوة والدين لفرعون وحاشيته والناس،وهدف إقامة الحجة على فرعون وسحرته، وهدفه بتوحيد بني إسرائيل وإخراجهم من مصر، وإنجائهم وإهلاك فرعون وجنوده، وفي نهاية الفصل تناولت كيفية نجاح القائد الرباني في الواقع المعاصر، وذلك من خلال عدة أمور، منها السير على الخطى التي سار عليها موسى -عليه السلام، وذلك بفهم منهجه فهماً شمولياً، إلى أن يصل إلى فهم روح منهجه - عليه السلام- من خلال فهم ما قاله العلماء والمفسرون وما كتب من دراسات في فهم حيثيات قراراته وتصرفاته وظروفها، وبالاستفادة من العلوم الإنسانية الحديثة في القيادة والإدارة،والاستئناس بالتجارب القيادية الناجحة بقدر الاستطاعة، فيصوغ منها منهجه الخاص بَيْن القديم والجديد، والإسلامي وغير الإسلامي، والمُدَعَّم بكثير من الثقافات والعلوم العالمية، بعد ذلك يصبح لديه المَلَكة القيادية التي من خلالها يُصبح قادراً على التفكير، ثم اتخاذ القرارات بما يتناسب مع الواقع مع مراعاة اختلاف المكان والزمان والأشخاص وأخلاقهم والموازين والمصالح، الذي قد يوصل إلى ظهور قائد رباني مُمَيَّز يَنجح في أن يُعيد للعالم العدل والحق والإنسانية والعلاقة الصحيحة بين الإنسان وخالقه – سبحانه وتعالى – التي هي شبه غائبة الآن عن حياة الناس على كل الأرض.   Abstract Praise be to Allah that by his blessing good things happen, and by his blessing there will be good fortune: This is a summary of the thesis, God's Creation of Leaders in the Holy Qur'an - the Prophet Moses pbuh, an analytical study. The introduction covered the subject of this research, its scope, objectives, the reasons for its selection, the tools and terminology, methodology, previous studies, research approaches, procedures and content. Since the thesis discusses how the creation of God’s leader in this time that the Islamic nation needs a leader with unique and high standards, the researcher discusses God's prophet Moses pbuh as a leader, because he represents a complete model forthe creation of a leader in the Koran. Because of his leadership qualities, every leader that wants to be distinguished among world leaders should emulate him. The researcher has attempted to understand the purpose and leadership concepts of the story of Moses pbuh and principles that include leadership specifications, selection criteria, and decision-making, and the means of successful leadership. He has mentioned several great achievements as an example to demonstrate Moses’ pbuh success in his mission. To achieve this, he prepared an introduction and four chapters. In the preface, he explained that the content of the leader and the leadership. The researcher also addressed the leadership in the Qur'an in terms of the use of the word governance. In the first chapter, he discusses the situation of the Israelites before the mission of Moses pbuh and after the death of Joseph pbuh, the study of the situation of theMuslims today in all aspects. In the second chapter, the researcher dealt with how to create a leader in the Qur'an according to the verses of the story of Moses pbuh, in terms of where God took care of Moses pbuh, from the day of his birth, to his youth, and through the years of his life. In the third chapter, he talked about the qualifications and capabilities that Moses pbuh had in his leadership, such as his intellectual skills, that every leader should have, becauseleaders must think, analyze, deduce, and then to evaluate and solve. These will lead to making decisions that convince and influence people, even make them active in their implementation, through the presence of qualities of good opinion and a balanced mind, to make the right decisions to achieve the interests of the people and their goals, being articulate and able to be able to deliver the thoughts in his head to others in a clear way, so they can understand and be convinced that his views without any shortage or misunderstanding. The qualities of an intellectual will bring a lot of benefits to his followers and it will help avoid a lot of problems. The ability of delivering his ideas to people will help influence them until he reaches the hearts and minds of his followers and others enough to achieve his goal and purpose. The researcher also dealt with the moral qualities of Moses pbuh because intellectual and mental qualifications that characterize the leader are not enough if the leader does not possess high moral standards, because what is achieved by the intellectual qualities are often lost because of bad morals. This is why he must be characterized by honesty, integrity, piety piousness, and good ethics, which will make him a good example for thousands of people who will follow him and walk with him toward their goals. The researcher addresses the characteristics of aleader’s personality such as developing broad strategic plans as well as short-term plans implemented at certain stages in order to accomplish goals in a better way. He then discussed the quality of focusing on teamwork and spreading the spirit of teamwork in people who are able to influence their community. The researcher also mentions the importance of a leaders’s ability to discuss with others and the ability to persuade and participate in the implementation of decisions because of its positive effects on work and raising morale especially in the time of adversity and problems and complexities. A leader must also have the quality of dealing with crises that arise at all stages of work management, making crucial decisions in different circumstances which are characterized by pressure, and then to implement without hesitation or delay. Likewise, a leader must be able make the right choices because an error in their choice may lead a number of bad consequences. He must also be able to assign the right tasks to the right people so that they are able to finish it. The researcher also discussed the psychological characteristics of a leader such as being patient in worship and hard work. He also spoke about the quality of wisdom, being merciful to people who suffer under hard conditions. The quality of being self motivated will help him and others around him to practice their beliefs, morals, and religions. The quality of being brave will make him talk and behave in a way that will help him stop the wrongdoings and lead him to make decisions that benefit everyone. Gaining prestige in the hearts of people helps the leader obtain obedience, love, and respect from his people. Self-confidence will help the leader to be dynamic The researcher also addresses the physical abilities of the leader. In the fourth chapter, he spoke about the achievements of Moses pbuh, such as reaching his goal in delivering religion to the Pharaoh andhis people, winning his argument against the Pharaoh and his witches, in mental and intellectual conflict, and thus obstructed their bad influence bad on the people, and unified the Israelites and got them out of Egypt, saved them, and destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers. At the end of the chapter, the researcher dealt with how God’s leader would succeed in this age. He concluded that this is through several things such as following Moses’ pbuh path. However, this does not mean that God’s leader should follow all of Moses’ pbuh steps one-by-one, but to understand his approach through understanding what scientists and commentators have said and written to understand the merits of Moses’ pbuh decisions, actions and circumstances, also to understand the spirit of the Prophet’s way. After understanding his way, the leader will be able to think andmake decisions appropriate for this age and take into consideration different times, places, and people, their ethics and interests. The leader also must use all this to create his own approach that blends the old and the new, the Muslim and non-Muslim, and among many difference cultures, which is all connected to the creation of a unique leader of God that he would succeed in bringing justice, truth and humanity to the world and the right relationship between people and their Creator which is now almost absent from the lives of the people on all the earth.
Appears in Collections:Theses

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