Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022-09-26 | EFL Palestinian Students’ Perception of E-Assessment amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic | Farrah, Mohammed; Jabari, Reem |
1978-04-15 | Debitis quibusdam vo | Accusamus consectetu, Non alias cupiditate |
2022-01 | الكتاب الالكتروني لأبحاث المؤتمر الدولي المحكم السابع (أحكام الذهب والفضة ومستجداتها المعاصرة) | كلية الشريعة, جامعة الخليل |
2020-02-19 | Palestine: Lawyering between Colonisation and the Struggle for Professional Independence | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2020-01-09 | Human Rights at the Time of Transition: How Security Forces Can be Held Accountable in a Divided Community? | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2000 | Palestinian Nationality: Present Situation, Legal Status, and Human Rights Standards | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2000 | Nationality and Domicile in Palestine | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2014 | The Consistency of the Applicable Legislation in Palestine with International Law: The Two Human Rights Covenants | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2004 | Defining the Role of National Human Rights Institutions with Regard to the United Nations Human Rights System | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2015 | Clinical Legal Education in Palestine: A Clinical Case under Military Occupation | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2008 | The International Law Foundations of Palestinian Nationality: A Legal Examination of Palestinian Nationality under Britain’s Rule | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2013 | Palestine Membership in the United Nations: Legal and Practical Implications | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2016 | Experimental Legal Education in a Globalized World: The Middle East & Beyond | Qafisheh, Mutaz; Rosenbaum, Stephan |
2001 | La nationalité palestinienne selon du droit local et du droit international | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2002 | The Israeli Violations of Palestinian Citizens’ Rights during 2001 | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2011 | Article 1D (Commentary on Article 1D of the 1951 Refugee Convention) | Qafisheh, Mutaz; Azarov, Valentina |
2013 | Palestine’s Obligations under the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2013 | Citizens of the State of Palestine and the Future of Palestinian Refugees | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2016 | Modern Legal Education in Palestine: The Clinical Programs of Hebron University | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
2017 | ‘Palestine’, in Scott Decker & Nerea Marteache (Arizona State University), eds., International Handbook of Juvenile Justice | Qafisheh, Mutaz |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44