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Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Holistic Approach Based on Social-Emotional Learning in Developing Teachers' Professional Competencies and Students' Learning Motivation in Jerusalem
Other Titles: تقييم فعالية النهج الشمولي القائم على التعلم الاجتماعي العاطفي في تطوير الكفاءات المهنية للمعلمين ودافعية التعلم لدى الطلبة في القدس
Authors: Shqirat, Abeer Adnan
Keywords: Social Science
Holistic Approach
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Publisher: Hebron University
Abstract: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Holistic Approach Based on Social-Emotional Learning in Developing Teachers' Professional Competencies and Students' Learning Motivation in Jerusalem Prepared by the student Abeer Adnan Shqirat Supervised by Dr.Salah Al-Zaro Abstract This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a holistic approach based on social-emotional learning in enhancing teachers' professional competencies and students' learning motivation in Jerusalem. It also sought to assess the development of social-emotional learning skills for teachers and students and identify the barriers to implementing this approach. Employing a mixed methodology that integrated quantitative and qualitative methods, the study gathered insights from teachers, students, and school principals. Using random sampling, selected (210)preparatory school teachers and (357) ninth-grade students were exposed to the holistic approach for three consecutive years. Furthermore, (15) school principals participated in the focus group, selected through a purposive stratified proportional sample. The research tools comprised three newly designed instruments tailored for this study: an evaluation scale for teachers' professional competencies (85 items) covering three domains (social-emotional learning skills, professional competencies, and barriers to applying the holistic approach); an evaluation scale for student learning motivation (70 items) across three domains (social-emotional learning skills, schoolwide system, and learning motivation); and a focus group discussion for school principals.The validity and reliability of the tools were verified. Key findings revealed that the holistic approach significantly contributed to developing teachers' social-emotional learning skills with an average rating of (4.02) and a percentage of (80.5%) and professional competencieswith an average rating of (4.02)and a percentage of (80.4%). However, barriers to implementing the holistic approach were moderately estimated from the teachers' perspectives,with an average rating of (3.02) and a percentage of (64.2%). The approach was also highly effective in enhancing students' social-emotional learning skills, with an average rating of (3.80) and a percentage of (76%); school systems,with an average rating of (3.70) and a percentage of (74%); and learning motivation,with an average rating of (3.90) and a percentage of (78%). Statistically significant relationships were found between social-emotional learning skills, professional competencies, and barriers to implementation from teachers' perspectives. A positive correlation was also observed between social-emotional learning skills, the school system, and learning motivation from students' perspectives. The focus group results with principals unanimously highlighted the positive impact of the holistic approach on teachers' professional competencies through continuous training and development. They also underscored its pivotal role in promoting student social-emotional learning skills and creating a more interactive and supportive school environment. Principals emphasized the necessity of integrating social-emotional learning into the curriculum and ensuring these skills are incorporated into daily classroom activities. Challenges included primary school teachers' difficulty transitioning from traditional teaching methods and their need for intensive training and ongoing support. Also, Primary school students required time to adapt to the holistic approach, while preparatory school students showed greater understanding but still needed continuous monitoring and guidance. Based on these findings, the study recommended continuous professional development for teachers, focusing on social-emotional learning (SEL) skills to enhance their professional competencies and support students' emotional and social needs. It also suggested fostering a culture of innovation in schools to boost student learning motivation through SEL activities and strengthening communication channels between schools and parents to enhance parental involvement in supporting student learning and holistic development. Key Terms: Holistic Approach, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Professional Competencies, Learning Motivation
Appears in Collections:Theses

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