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Showing results 513 to 532 of 1422 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01-01“To what extent do Palestinian Companies Working in Service Sector Comply with Corporate Governance Codes”Anastas, Johny Nabil
2017-01-01Towards Accurate Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Unsupervised Deep Learning of Spatial Sparse Features: A PerspectiveHasasneh, Nabil; Daraghmi, Yousef-Awwad; Hasaneh, Ahmad
2024-01-01Towards Fostering Interoperability Between Information Systems of Higher Education Institutions in Palestinian UniversitiesShawar, Isra'
2022-12-01Towards Secure Interoperability of EHR among Healthcare Organizations in PalestineAsafrah, mohammad; Amro, Belal
2006-06-22Towards web usability: Providing web contents according to the readers contextsAl-Jabari, Mohanad; Mrissa, Michael; Thiran, Philippe
2010-12-01Transcriptome analysis reveals absence of unintended effects in drought-tolerant transgenic plants overexpressing the transcription factor ABF3Abdeen, Ashraf
2014Transfer of natural radionuclides from soil to plants and grass in the Western North of West Bank Environment, PalestineThabayneh, Khalil
2016-05-01The Translatability of Brand Names in Cosmetic AdvertisementsMahmood K. M. ESHRETEH
2017The trends of Arabic language teachers towards using Internet in the educational process at Hebron schoolsgawadrah, nidal
2018-01-01Trivial Ring ExtensionsAdarbeh, Mohammad Waleed
2018-01-01Turn Taking in Academic Meetings at Hebron University: A Socio-Linguistic StudyEshreteh, Mahmood; Dwaik, Raghad
2023-01-01The Use of Dialect in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching GodTomazeh, Mohamad Tayseer
2015-01-01The Use of English Conditional Sentences in Major Barbara, The Death of a Salesman and The Glass MenagerieAl-Sharif, Safa'
2021-01-01The Use of Role Play in the English Foreign Language Classroom An Applied Research on Eleventh Grade Students at Dar Al Salam Secondary School for GirlsAbu Esba, Tasnim
2021-12-16User Centric Android Application Permission ManagerAmro, Belal; zaid, abu znaid
2016-04Using Blended Learning to Enhance Student Learning in American Literature CoursesDwaik, Raghad
2015-07-15Using Cartoon in Language Classroom from A Constructivist Point of ViewAbuzahra, Nimer; Farrah, Mohammed; Zalloum, Sarah
2021-03-07Using drama in the Palestinian EFL classroom: teachers’ attitudes, advantages, problems, and teaching techniques.Farrah, Mohammed; Halahla, Balsam; Sider, Shahd
2020-01-01Using English in Shop Signs in Palestine A Sociolinguistic StudyBadran, Huda Mahmoud
2018-01-01Using Films in TEFL Classes at the Palestinian UniversitiesTahboub, Doa'a