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Showing results 454 to 473 of 1426 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-06Relationships ( romantic ) love among a sample of university students are married and their relationship with some variableskatalo, kamel
2013Resolution by recombination: breaking up Solanum pennellii introgressionsAyed Mohammad
2019Restorative justice capacities in Middle Eastern culture and society: towards a hybrid model of juvenile justice in PalestineQafisheh, Mutaz; Wardak, Ali
2012Restorative Justice in Islamic Penal Law: A Contribution to the Global SystemQafisheh, Mutaz
2017-03-29The Risks and Effects of Smart tools and Social Networks on Privacy and Security AwarenessHasasneh, Nabil; Moreb, Mohammad
2016-01-01Ritual refusals and face-work: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic InvestigationEshreteh, Mahmood
2014-04-15The Role of Demographic and Personal Variables on the Palestinian Students' Perceptions of a Blended Learning English ClassFarrah, Mohammed
2013-08-19The role of invariant natural killer T cells in cancerNur, Haneen
2012The Role of Legal Clinics in Leading Legal Education: A Model from the Middle EastQafisheh, Mutaz
2016-06-01Routing protocols for delay tolerant networks: a reference architecture and a thorough quantitative evaluationMassri, Khalil; Vitaletti, Andrea; Vernata, Alessandro; Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis
2006-01-01Scalable and partitionable asynchronous arbiter for micro-threaded chip multiprocessorsHasasneh, Nabil; Bell, Ian; Jesshope, Chris
1995-05-25Season and sex influences on botanical composition of cattle diets in southern New MexicoAyed Mohammad
2017The Seasonal Flight Activity of the Olive Fruit Fly Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Central Highlands of West-Bank, Palestine.Hamdan, Abdul-Jalil; Al-Qurna, Mohammad
2009-04-01Selectable marker genes and unintended changes to the plant transcriptomeAbdeen, Ashraf
2018-12Self - Management and its Relationship with the Work Seriousness for Jerusalem Open University Faculty Members at Bethlehem Branchmakhamra, Kamal; makhamra, Kamal
2012Semiconductor ring lasers as optical neuronsMashal, L.
2009-05-15Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Toxoplasmosis among pregnant women in Hebron district, Palestine-
2009Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Toxoplasmosis among pregnant women in Hebron district, PalestineAl Amleh S; Nijem KI
2014-12-28Shylock’s Speech in The Merchant of Venice Critical Discourse AnalysisDawood, Hamada; Abuzahra, Nimer; Farrah, Mohammed
2017Significance of Microbiota in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases and the Modulatory Potential by Medicinal Plant and Food Ingredients.Qawasmeh